Day 16 - Atlantic City, WY to Rawlins, WY

After taking a "zero" day in Atlantic City, WY to rest and reset yesterday, today was a big day.  As it played out, it got even bigger than planned! Two Kiwis and I set off from Atlantic City at 6:30 am to begin making the crossing of the Great Basin Desert.  I'd intended to ride roughly 75 miles to a reservoir noted as a water resupply and informal camping location on the way to Rawlins, WY. At about the halfway point, I caught up with Ingrid (who had left even earlier at about 5:45) and she decided to go to Wamsutter on the Tour Divide Race route instead of Rawlins on the GDMBR route, so we parted ways...

I was feeling pretty good, and set off happily on my own. Until the reservoir failed to appear at the described location. After a fair bit of cursing, i decided that my best option ( given my current water supply) was to continue on to Rawlins, a further 52 miles.  I knew I could ride that far with roughly 3.5 liters of water, but I wasn't so sure I could do the same if I wild camped and spent an extra 10-12 hours nursing that same 3.5 liters! Fortunately, the ever present Wyoming wind was remarkably calm today-- even blowing as a light tailwind at times. So when faced with the decision to ride or camp-- riding was the obvious choise! 
While it made for an incredibly long day, I was really happy to get the bulk of the Great Basin behind me :-). Still, it is an incredible place, with a beauty that comes through despite the desolate nature of the setting.  I was particularly taken with the wide variety of wildflowers, and always looking to capture a good photo of some of the abundant wildlife- particularly the amazing pronghorn antelope (I saw too many to count!) and wild horses. Tomorrow will probably be another rest day to see if Mike can catch up with me here in Rawlins.  Hopefully the wind will be as kind to him as is was to me!
Cheers from the GDMBR:-)


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